On this page you can find all the tools from the guide in one place. To make your search easier, we have grouped the tools by topic.
1.1 Personal assessment
1.2 Time assessment
1.3 Who else can work with you
1.4 Tourist potential of region
1.5 Tourist potential of your location
2.1 The first impression
2.2 Evaluation of staff
2.3 Your offer
3.1 Who are your guests
3.2 Evaluation of your offer
4.1 Business plan model
5.1 Promotion plan model
All questions must be answered with YES, NO or IMPROVE. If you do not answer all the questions and leave the field "-- Select --" you will not be able to see the test results.
Do you have at least basic knowledge on:
An entrepreneur in rural tourism is a person who organizes and manages his tourist household based on his own initiative and assumes significant business risks. Willingness to take risks is one of the basic desirable qualities of a future entrepreneur in rural tourism. There is no universal recipe for success, however, successful entrepreneurs in rural tourism share certain common personal qualities. Those qualities - in addition to a combination of more or less fortunate circumstances and more favorable and less favorable environmental conditions - enable sustainable and profitable household management. Every entrepreneur should have a certain set of personal qualities and skills that will ensure his survival in the turbulent tourist world. Although a set of personal characteristics does not guarantee success by itself, it also does not necessarily mean that you will be unsuccessful in a business. Based on your answers, unfortunately, we cannot claim that rural tourism is a good option for you, as it may not suit your personality type. Work on yourself, study, read, watch what others are doing. In the meantime, consider other options for diversifying your rural business.
There is an opportunity to engage in rural tourism, but additional efforts are needed.
An entrepreneur in rural tourism is a person who organizes and manages his tourist household based on his own initiative and assumes significant business risks. Willingness to take risks is one of the basic desirable qualities of a future entrepreneur in rural tourism.
There is no universal recipe for success, however, successful entrepreneurs in rural tourism share certain common personal qualities. Those qualities - in addition to a combination of more or less fortunate circumstances and more favorable and less favorable environmental conditions - enable sustainable and profitable household management. Every entrepreneur should have a certain set of personal qualities and skills that will ensure his survival in the turbulent tourist world. Although even a perfect combination of personal characteristics cannot guarantee success, based on your answers, we can consider that you possess enough personal qualities that are a good prerequisite for success. Go ahead, rural tourism is a good option for you!
All questions must be answered with YES, NO or MAYBE. If you do not answer all the questions and leave the field "-- Select --" you will not be able to see the test results.
The heterogeneity of a territory is one of the characteristics of tourism, a tourist product and a tourist destination. Destinations are specific mixes of different components and can offer a large number of related products and services. All these components (products, services, as well as the geographical and cultural features themselves) represent the factors of a tourist destination. All these elements, factors, are also called tourist resources. Resources are all the potentials on which the development of an area and tourist activity could be based, that is, all the means that can be brought to a useful purpose. Based on your answers, it can be concluded that your region does not have significant tourist resources and does not have significant tourist potential. In other words, a large number of tourists will not come to your region. The key question for you is whether you can have such a high-quality offer that tourists will visit you just because of it?
The heterogeneity of a territory is one of the characteristics of tourism, a tourist product and a tourist destination. Destinations are specific mixes of different components and can offer a large number of related products and services. All these components (products, services, as well as the geographical and cultural features themselves) represent the factors of a tourist destination. All these elements, factors, are also called tourist resources. Resources are all the potentials on which the development of an area and tourist activity could be based, that is, all the means that can be brought to a useful purpose. Based on your answers, it can be concluded that your region does not possess significant tourist resources, but that it has its own specificities, which represents a moderate tourist potential. In order for your entrepreneurial venture in rural tourism to be successful, you must create such an offer on your tourist farm, which will be attractive enough to attract tourists.
The heterogeneity of a territory is one of the characteristics of tourism, a tourist product and a tourist destination. Destinations are specific mixes of different components and can offer a large number of related products and services. All these components (products, services, as well as the geographical and cultural features themselves) represent the factors of a tourist destination. All these elements, factors, are also called tourist resources. Resources are all the potentials on which the development of an area and tourist activity could be based, that is, all the means that can be brought to a useful purpose.
Based on your answers, it can be concluded that your region has significant tourism resources, which is an excellent prerequisite for the success of your venture in rural tourism!
The basis of the concept of rural tourism is the rural household, which represents the initial infrastructure for the stay of guests in a rural area. In order for rural areas to be included in the tourist offer, certain preconditions are needed. This refers not only to the equipment, the space and facilities, but above all, to the preparedness of the household to receive guests. If the rural household wants to be included in the tourist offer, then it must have the desire, abilities and opportunities to provide quality service and meet the expectations of the guests staying in the rural household. Based on your answers, we can consider that your location/property probably has no significant tourist potential. It is necessary for you to invest significant funds in additional facilities and improvement of the appearance of your household, in order to make it attractive enough for tourists.
The basis of the concept of rural tourism is the rural household, which represents the initial infrastructure for the stay of guests in a rural area. In order for rural areas to be included in the tourist offer, certain preconditions are needed. This refers not only to the equipment, the space and facilities, but above all, to the preparedness of the household to receive guests. If the rural household wants to be included in the tourist offer, then it must have the desire, abilities and opportunities to provide quality service and meet the expectations of the guests staying in the rural household. Based on your answers, we can consider that your location/property probably has moderate tourism potential. Consider additional investments to make your household even more attractive.
The basis of the concept of rural tourism is the rural household, which represents the initial infrastructure for the stay of guests in a rural area. In order for rural areas to be included in the tourist offer, certain preconditions are needed. This refers not only to the equipment, the space and facilities, but above all, to the preparedness of the household to receive guests. If the rural household wants to be included in the tourist offer, then it must have the desire, abilities and opportunities to provide quality service and meet the expectations of the guests staying in the rural household. Based on your answers, we can consider that your location/property probably has high tourism potential!